Failing to Complete Robs You of Valuable Attention Units

“Good , better , best . Never let it rest . ‘ Til your good is better and your better is best.”
St . Jerome

When you start a project or make an agreement or identify a change you need to make, it goes into your present memory bank and takes up what I call an attention unit. We can only pay attention to so many things at one time, and each promise, agreement, or item on your to-do list leaves fewer attention units to dedicate to completing present tasks and bringing new opportunities and abundance into your life.

So why don’t people complete? Often, incompletes represent areas in our life where we’re not clear—or where we have emotional and psychological blocks.
For instance, you might have a lot of requests, projects, tasks, and other things on your desk you really want to say no to—but you’re afraid of being perceived as the bad guy. So you put off responding to avoid saying no. Meanwhile the sticky notes and stacks of paper pile up and distract you. There may also be circumstances in which you have to make decisions that are difficult or uncomfortable. So rather than struggle with the discomfort, you let the incompletes pile up. Some incompletions come from simply not having adequate systems, knowledge, or expertise for handling these tasks. Other incompletions pile up because of our bad work habits.

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“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well,  neither does bathing – that is why we recommend it daily” Zig Ziglar

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