Keep Score for Success

You have to measure what you want more of.

Charles Coonradt

Remember when you were growing up and your mom or dad measured you every few months and kept track of your height on the wall near the pantry door? It was something visible that let you know where you stood in relation to the past and to your future goal (which was usually to be as tall as your mom or dad. It let you know you were making progress. It encouraged you to eat right and drink your milk to keep growing. Well, successful people keep the same kind of measurements. They keep score of exciting progress, positive behavior, financial gain…anything they want more of. In his groundbreaking book, The Game of Work, Charles Coonradt says that scorekeeping stimulates us to create more of the positive outcomes we’re keeping track of. It actually reinforces the behavior that created these outcomes in the first place. Think about it. Your natural inclination is always to improve your score. If you were to keep score on the five things that would advance your personal and professional objectives the most, imagine how motivated you would be each time the numbers improved in your favour.

To get the original hard-copy of the book (The 25 Principles of Jack Canfield) in your library, visit

Better still, visit https://edutainment247.comfor the daily review of each sub-topic. Your steps towards where you want to be start now.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well,  neither does bathing – that is why we recommend it daily” Zig Ziglar

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