Leaders are Readers

“It is books that are the key to the wide world; if you can’t do anything else, read all that you can.”

Jane Hamilton

Self-made millionaire Dr. John Demartini made a list of all the Nobel Prize winners, then made a list
of all the greats in those same fields—whether it was poetry, science, religion, or philosophy. He then proceeded to read their works and their biographies. Not surprisingly, John is also one of the brightest and wisest guys I have ever met.

Reading pays off. “You can’t put your hand in a pot of glue without some of that glue sticking,” says John. “So, too, you can’t put your mind and heart into some of the works of these masters without some of it sticking.
If you read about immortals, you increase the possibility of leaving an immortal effect. The result has been enormous for me.”
Jim Rohn, America’s foremost motivational philosopher, also suggests you use that 1 extra hour a
day to read. He taught me that if you were to read one book a week, in 10 years you’d have read 520 books and in 20 years, more than 1,000 books—enough to easily put you in the top 1% of experts in your field. Add to those the books from masters in related areas and you’d have an edge that others simply don’t have.

To get original ebook of The 25 Principles of Jack Canfield in your library, visit https://edutainment247.com/product/the-success-principles-how-to-get-from-where-you-are-to-where-you-want-to-be-by-jack-canfield

Better still, visit https://edutainment247.com for the daily review of each sub-topic. Your steps towards where you want to be start now.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that is why we recommend it daily” Zig Ziglar

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