Start Scheduling

So many people are insanely busy nowadays, and it’s easy to say, ‘Ah, I’ll workout tomorrow.’ But you have to set aside a time and stick to that schedule.

Derek Jeter

The key to getting more Free Days and Best Results Days in your life is to sit down and schedule them. By jotting down how many Best Results Days, Preparation Days, and Free Days you spend every month right now, you can work to increase the number of Best Results Days and true 24-hour
Free Days on your calendar, and reduce the number of Buffer Days. With this kind of schedule, you’ll find yourself creating greater results at work, enjoying more fulfillment in your personal life, and experiencing more balance between the two.

Here are some other steps you might want to take to begin implementing The Entrepreneurial Time

  1. List the three Best Focus Days you have ever had. Write down any common elements. This will
    give you valuable clues as to how to create more perfect Best Results Days. Plan for them.
  2. Meet with your boss, staff, and coworkers to discuss how to create more Best Results Days
    where you can focus 80% of your time on using your areas of brilliance to produce your best results.
  3. Meet with your friends or family and discuss how to create more true Free Days in your life.
  4. Schedule at least four vacations—they can be long weekends or longer—for the next year. These can be as simple as a weekend camping trip, a weekend in San Francisco taking in the sights, a trip to the wine country, a weekend at the shore, a fishing trip, or a week visiting friends in a nearby state, or it can include that dream-of-a-lifetime vacation you have always wanted to take to California, Hawaii, Florida, Mexico, Europe, or Asia. If you don’t plan it, it won’t happen, so sit down and make a plan.
  5. List the three best Free Days you have ever had and look for the common elements in those.
    Schedule more of those elements into your planned Free Days.

As our world gets more complicated and more pressured, you will have to be increasingly more
conscious and intentional to structure your time in a way that takes full advantage of your talents and maximizes your results and your income. Start now to control your time and your life. Remember, you are in charge.

Now that Covid19 (coronavirus) has sent almost everybody indoor, it’s going to be important to create new routines and find meaningful ways to spend our long days at home. Book-stores

Getting lost in good books will be a very good decision. They are the perfect way to spend long lockdown days.

Stay home, stay safe.

To get original ebook of The 25 Principles of Jack Canfield in your library, visit

Better still, visit for the daily review of each sub-topic. Your steps towards where you want to be start now.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that is why we recommend it daily” Zig Ziglar

Don’t forget to take a step tomorrow by visiting


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