A man may be equipped with tonnes of theory. He may have the best of skills, the most positive of attitudes and the strongest of beliefs. But if he just sits on his butt with all these attributes, nothing is going to come out of it.

The one thing that seems to separate winners from losers more than anything else is that winners take action. They simply get up and do what has to be done. Once they have developed a plan, they start. They get into motion. Even if they don’t start perfectly, they learn from their mistakes, make the necessary corrections, and keep taking action, all the time building momentum, until they finally produce the result they set out to produce…or something even better than they conceived of when they started.

To be successful, you have to do what successful people do, and successful people are highly action-oriented. I have already covered how to create a vision, set goals, break them down into small
steps, anticipate obstacles and plan how to deal with them, visualize and affirm your success, and believe in yourself and your dreams. Now it’s time to take action. Enroll in the course, get the necessary training, call the travel agent, start writing that book, start saving for the down payment on your home, join the health club, sign up for those piano lessons, or write that proposal.

You have to believe in yourself. Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence, or self-assurance, it is a deep-seated belief that you have what it takes—the abilities, inner resources, talents, and skills to create your desired results.

To get the original hard-copy of the book (The 25 Principles of Jack Canfield) in your library, visit

Better still, visit for the daily review of each sub-topic. Your steps towards where you want to be start now.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well,  neither does bathing – that is why we recommend it daily” Zig Ziglar

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